Our Portugal 2020 projects

Project Name: FERESPE Global II – Candidatura 71182
Project Code: POCI – 02-0752-FEDER-071182
Aproval Date: 18/11/2020
Start Date: 01/07/2020
Conclusion Date: 30/06/2022
Total Elegible Costs: 81.650,00€
European Union Finance Support: 36.742,50€ FEDER
Project Description:
In line with the company’s strategy, this project will allow to affirm and expand the company’s area of operation at the expense of its specialization. In order to enhance its presence in the foreign market, the company will bet on the diversity of customers in the markets where it is already present, naturally reinforcing its presence.
This bet will not only gain new customers in the areas / sectors of specialization, but also enhance their presence in existing ones and thus ensure and grow in the foreign market.
Thus, with this project, the company will gain new markets, namely in the railway and Oil & Gas sectors, but also consolidate its position in:
– Railway
– Oil & Gas
– Energy market
– Markets that require high performance materials, typical of materials used in valves and pumps.