We perform at

Water & Wastewater Industry
FERESPE’s brand is present in the Water & Wastewater Industry
We are positioned in a small and medium series niche market, exporting about 90% of what we produce.
FERESPE focuses on the production of technical parts for high performance applications, using the following alloys:
– Duplex and super duplex, martensitic, austenitic and super austenitic stainless steels
– High alloy cast iron
– Medium and low alloy steel
The Water and Wastewater Industry promotes the principles of efficient use of natural resources, minimization and proper management of waste and prevention of pollution and risks to the safety of people and goods.
It involves the design of systems, the management of projects and the operation of services of Supply, Sanitation and Waste Collection and Urban Cleaning, seeking, on one hand, to ensure the quality and availability of water that is provided to consumers and, on the other hand , the protection of water resources and the preservation of public health.